Message from CEO
Message from CEO
Falcon Robotics, founded in 2018 in the United Arab Emirates, is a leading data-centric company that provides intelligent solutions for businesses. Based on the concept that data should be used to solve complex problems, we design, implement and integrate technology that provides added value to our clients and contribute to a better world. Whether it be by becoming more sustainable, eco-friendly, or socially responsible, Falcon Robotics understands the importance of evolution and how data plays a key role in nurturing future success.
“We use artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to bring real-time data-driven solutions for our clients. Falcon Robotics is committed to building technology that’s centered around the end-user, not just the tech. We create solutions that are intuitive and make sense for people. Our strategic development of connected knowledge based solutions will be the key to success in the future and will provide a competitive advantage for those who are able to use it efficiently and effectively.”
Ahmad AlDarwish – Chief Executive Officer.
Our Strategic Partners
We have forged strong business relationships with a number of industry and academic leaders
Industrial Partners
Academic Partners

Winner Innovation in robotics technology – UAE (2022)

Best Robotics Technology & Cognitive Engineering Company – UAE (2022)

Most Innovative Robotics & Cognitive Engineering Company – Middle East (2022)

CEO of The Year, 2021
– The United Arab Emirates

Arabian Business Future Stars 2019