Interesting Article for the use of our industrial exoskeletons from by the US Airforcewadmin.falcon2022-11-09T02:52:04+04:00August 16, 2021|
We at Falcon Robotics are thrilled to be part of the newly appointed Affiliates to Heriot-Watt University, Dubai Campus for the Centre of Excellence in Smart Construction 2021wadmin.falcon2022-11-09T01:22:31+04:00July 29, 2021|
Presenting suitX exoskeletons in the 40th GITEX technology week at the Dubai World Trade Centrewadmin.falcon2022-11-09T03:19:10+04:00July 29, 2021|
Our Exoskeletons by suitX featured with Chevroletwadmin.falcon2022-11-09T01:40:46+04:00July 29, 2021|
Witness the most innovative outdoor and indoor drone products, and unmanned system technology at UMEX 2020wadmin.falcon2022-11-09T01:46:41+04:00July 28, 2021|