Criminals are becoming far more sophisticated in their methods, and as a result, businesses need to keep up with the latest advances in technology to ensure they are properly protected. At the same time, businesses need to make sure that the implemented solutions do not violate the privacy of employees or customers. At Falcon Robotics, we use a unique blend of drone technology, machine learning, and deep learning modules to provide advanced inspection and security systems that can distinguish illicit from normal activities.

Autonomous Drones for Inspection and Security
Customized autonomous drones powered by machine vision algorithm for object detecting and to guide in GPS denied environments can be used to collect data, inspect and deliver in both outdoor and indoor environments.

Autonomous Robots for Inspection and Security
Robotics powered by unique machine vision algorithm for data capture, inspection, monitoring and last mile services.

REIM – Robotic Enterprise Integration Manager
Our powerful A.I. platform, powered by a modern graph-based software stack that uses Semantic Web technologies with RDF as the core data model. REIM captures and connects all types of metadata that turns information into knowledge. It creates linked, durable, and adaptable data frameworks, providing our clients contextual insights and robotic automations to solve real life problems.