Inspection Robots
Inspection Robots are robots equipped with high-resolution cameras and vision sensors. These robots can provide remote monitoring for critical, sensitive, dangerous, or high-value equipment or infrastructures. Using inspection robots can reduce the need for staff and provide safety of work in hazardous settings.
Falcon Robotics is proud to provide Inspection Robots that provide 24-hour monitoring of critical equipment, identifying operational anomalies, and helping diagnose them through comprehensive data collection and analysis.

These robots are produced in switchable modes. In other words, with a touch of a button, the device can be switched to autonomous or semi-autonomous mode.
Our inspection robots can record a number of factors based on the project requirements. These factors include but are not limited to humidity, ambient temperature, and partial discharge. These robots are also capable of generating reports in real-time for consideration of the users, transferring the collected information to a database, or sending the collected information as an attachment to a specified email address based on the user’s preference.
The robots can be designed to move on customizable rails for inspection of higher elements or move on the ground.